Paguyuban Keluarga Besar Mbah Amat Sukemi or you can call us : PAKAR MAS. This is the fifth year we have held this event, a large family gathering Trah Mbah Amat Sukemi. We gathered at the Simbah Kakung house, in the village of Bubutan, Purwodadi, Purworejo. Every year we hold on the second day after…

Bapak : Weleh Kopi Apa Iki?

Hello, everyone ! How’s your life? I hope always fine and still pure and white. As a Moslem, I’d say Yea, we just celebrated Eid al-Fitr, 1 Shawwal 1440 H, to coincide with Wednesday, June 5, 2019.   So…. Welcome June ! Wait! What’s the meaning of my title up there? In English you can…